Our logo

Our school logo is made up of seven elements, each holding significance for the school and it’s community


The tūi is a homage to the previous school logo which featured a tūi alongside some bold text. It signifies the number of manu that visit our school and make their homes in our natural surroundings. The tūi stands proud, looking over its domain, completely aware of it’s surroundings, and focused on the journey it has ahead.

School Logo - Tui

The moon arches over the top of the logo and captures the essence of the school. It compliments the whetu signifying the night sky that reflects in the stream. The strong yellow shows the light reflected from the sun

School Logo - Moon

The school is in the shadows of the hills that form the eastern range of the Hutt Valley. Our maunga, Raumānuka, looks over us and grounds us at our school. It is the the last point of the Pukeatua range. It helps locate us, and find our way back to our roots.

School Logo - Hills

The awa are Waiwhetū stream and Te Awamutu awa, which runs from Raumānuka, goes underground and can be seen again from behind Pukeatua. It brings us new life and fresh beginnings as well as food and nourishment.

School Logo - River

School Logo - Fern

The fern pays homage to our natural surroundings and our Enviroschool roots. We are proud members and seek to educate and grow ākonga who are aware and are guardians of the environment we live in.
The koru symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace. It shows the growth of students as learners, starting school at 5 years old and leaving at the end of Year 6. Each frond represents new growth and a new year level . 

School Logo - Stars

The name Waiwhetu means “The stars reflected in the water”. Our whetu shine brightly in the sky of our logo, guiding us into the future as we navigate life.
A Whakatauki that sums this up is:
He tini ngā whetū e ngaro i te kapua iti.  Many stars cannot be hidden by a small cloud. 
This speaks to our resilience and the strength we have when we stand together, while also valuing the contribution of the individual. We cannot be many without each other. 
Each student at our school is put into a “Whetū Group”, where the senior students and junior students get to work and experience school together. Our whetū groups are named after Matariki stars: Hiwaiterangi, Pohutakawa, Tupuanuku, Ururangi, and Waiti.



Black and yellow are the school’s colours. They have appeared in our logo, sports uniforms and documentation for many years.

Blue and green are colours of the environment, which represents our strong links to Te Māra Kotahitanga – The Unity Garden and being an Enviro-School.