Epuni School provides a warm, supportive environment with many opportunities for all students to learn in the way that works best for them and to develop a true sense of who they are as learners.
We value, support and grow our students’ strengths, passions and creativity to develop a love of learning as they discover their world and the world around them.
Our caring and dedicated staff provide many opportunities and experiences which enable our learners to achieve and celebrate success.
Our school has four key values that are at the heart of everything we do.
These values help us all to become the best people we can be. They sit alongside our vision statement ‘Whai ake i ngā whetū – Reaching for the stars together’ that articulates our desire to help each and every learner reach their full potential.
A major strength of our school is the family atmosphere and the way in which we value and celebrate the many cultures that make up our school community. We aim to prepare our students to be lifelong learners, and help them develop the competencies and characteristics to be positive contributing members of their community, both now and in the future.
Ka Whangaia, Ka tupu, ka puāwai
That which is nurtured grows then blossoms.
