Ko Ruamānuka te maunga
Ko Waiwhetū rāua ko Te Awamutu ngā awa
Ko Te Puni te rangatira
Ko Epuni taku kura
Te Kāhui Mātau
Who are
Te Kāhui Mātau?
Te Kāhui Mātau is a group of whānau who meet at least once a school term to discuss strengthening whakawhanaungatanga across the school and support Epuni School in creating and enhancing spaces where tamariki Māori succeed as Māori.
Mahi tahi
We work together to continue to embed and strengthen te reo Māori and tikanag Māori and provide ākonga with experiences that enhance knowledge and experiences of matauraga Māori. We are guided by Te Kāhui Mātau to ensure their aspirations for tamariki Māori are respected and upheld.
nau mai, haere mai
If you would like to join in on a poi making session, make fried bread, meet in the Kotahitanga Māra (school garden) or have a cuppa and a kōrero with other whānau, speak with whaea Karen, the New Entrant Teacher, she will introduce you to members in the Te Kāhui Mātau group.