Each student has a portfolio that they can document their learning through photos, videos, drawings, and writing.
Easy messaging straight to your child’s teacher without needing to share phone numbers.
Get connected to your child through the app and see what the classroom is up to.
positivity and communication
This year we’ll be encouraging positive skills, like perseverance and teamwork, with ClassDojo. We’ll also rely on it to communicate with one another: instantly sharing messages, updates, events, and photos from class. It’s simple, secure, and gives you a window into our school day!

We would like all families to join us by signing up for a parent account on ClassDojo! You can use it on any device: it’s a simple, free mobile app for iOS and Android, and can also be accessed from your computer at classdojo.com
Class Dojo is an app for creating positive culture in each classroom and provides a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what’s happening in the classroom. Think of it as Seesaw but with positive classroom experiences and tools that teachers can use every day.
Free to Use
Class Dojo is free… forever! Class Dojo is fully functioning for schools to use and for parents to connect.
However, ClassDojo may ask you to subscribe to ClassDojo Plus.
!! There is NO requirement for you subscribe !!

Class Dojo gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology.
Each student gets their own monster, and points can be given to encourage good classroom behaviours and promote healthy habits.
Each student can add to their portfolio throughout the year with updates on their learning, photos, videos, drawings, and notes.

Class Dojo has an app for your phone which will allow you to connect to your child’s classroom and receive updates about your child. When there are new Dojo Portfolio posts, families can be notified via app notification, email or SMS.
Parents are only notified about their own child’s work, and all data is safe and secure.
How to Connect
First, download the app for Android or iPhone,
Or login on a computer at classdojo.com
Sign up as a parent
Or login to your existing parent account.
Get your child’s teacher to invite you via your email address or phone number. You will get a link or parent code to enter.
Tap on your invite link or enter your parent code.
And it’s Done!
When you join ClassDojo, you’ll have the chance to sign up for an optional ClassDojo Plus subscription.
A subscription isn’t required to participate with any class on ClassDojo.